Getting help

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Online help

We aim at centralizing the information in our wiki. You can open it from the command line as:


or indicating and article.

dwiki table

Even if you don't if the article exists, you can also try your look and launch searches in the wiki.

dwiki table tilt

Help on commands

Every command in Dynamo has a header that explains its syntax. This help can be visualized with (for instance, for the dfsc function)

help dfsc

to see the help on the command line, or with

doc dfsc

to generate the help in a browser. This option may be useful for commands with many syntax options.

Finding commands

Very often the problem is not the syntax of the command, but remembering the command itself.

By functionality: dapropos

dapropos finds commands grouped by their areas of functionality.

>> dapropos

lists the functionality areas defined in Dynamo, and

>> dapropos table

will list the main commands attached to the table functionality area.

By name: dlookfor

dlookfor will look for commands that contain a given string in the name.

This commands might take some time for execution, as it will search in all the packages inside Dynamo, and not only on the user level functions (those starting with dynamo_).

Some flags are available for dlookfor, for instance icnq to show only class names (with qualified paths)

 >> dlookfor slice -icnq 

By code content: dgrep

dgrep will look for appearances of a given string inside the code of any Dynamo function.

This commands might take some time for execution, and is typically used by developers.

Help center

This help center comes in handy when using Dynamo without internet connection.


opens a GUI where the user can check different conventions (i.e., for tables, missing wedge codes), access the list of shipped pdf tutorials and check the syntax of commands, project parameters or database elements.

dhelp window showing the list of available pdf tutorials