Filament types code example

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This code exemplifies the geometry and syntax of different filament types.

Expected onscreen result of running this code on Matlab.
% We construct a set of fake points:
points = [1:10:100;1:10:100;1:10:100]';

% we create four filaments of different types

pathFilament   = dmodels.filamentWithTorsion();
helixFilament  = dmodels.filamentSubunitsInHelix();
ringFilament   = dmodels.filamentRings();
randomFilament = dmodels.filament();

% the names on the left are arbitrarily chosen variable names.
% the names on the right are the functions (actually class constructors)
%   that we are invoking


% we provide parameters for the individual geometries:

% filament with subunits on path. Radius is not required.
pathFilament.subunits_dphi = 60; % changes the x axis of successive subunits
pathFilament.subunits_dz   = 10;

% helical path of filament
helixFilament.radius        = 20;
helixFilament.subunits_dphi = 5; 
helixFilament.subunits_dz   = 1;

% rings
ringFilament.radius          = 20; % distance of subunits to center
ringFilament.ringSeparation  = 30; % distance between rings
ringFilament.subunitsPerRing = 16; % subunits on each ring

% filament: points randomly organized on the filament walls
randomFilament.radius              = 20;
randomFilament.mesh_parameter      = 15;
randomFilament.crop_mesh_parameter = 30; % a mean distance between particles of 30 pixels

% we create a figure to depict 

% loops on each model

% we create a cell array variable containing all models so that we can loop on it 
f = {pathFilament,helixFilament,ringFilament,randomFilament};

for i=1:length(f);
    % provides the same points to each filament type
    f{i}.points = points;
    % creates a backbone

    % creates the crop points
    % creates a subplot for each model
    h = subplot(1,4,i); % array of 1 row and 4 columns
    f{i}.plotPoints(h,'refresh',false,'hold_limits',false);        % plots points delivered by the user
    %f{i}.plotTablePoints(h,'refresh',false,'hold_limits',false);   % plots computed table Points
    f{i}.plotTableSketch(h,'refresh',false,'hold_limits',true);   % plots computed table directions
    % sets as title of each plot the class of the filament 
    axis(h,[-20,120,-20,120,-20,120]); % visualization limits
    drawnow; % updates the plot

set(gcf,'Name','Filament types in Dynamo');