Revision as of 08:13, 29 March 2022 by Daniel Castaño (talk | contribs)
Dynamo is a software environment for subtomogram averaging of cryo-EM data.
This wiki guides new Dynamo users all the way from tomograms to averages and classes. In a full workflow, you would organize tomograms in catalogues, use them to pick particles and create alignment and classification projects to be run on different computing environments.
There is a [forum in Google Groups] where you can present your questions to developers and other users. Bear in mind that you need a Google account for this.
Please cite these papers if Dynamo is useful in your research:
- Dynamo: A flexible, user-friendly development tool for subtomogram averaging of cryo-EM data in high-performance computing environments. Castaño-Díez D, Kudryashev M, Arheit M, Stahlberg H., J. Struct. Biol. 2012.
- Dynamo Catalogue: Geometrical tools and data management for particle picking in subtomogram averaging of cryo-electron tomograms Castaño-Díez D, Kudryashev M, Stahlberg H., in J Struct Biol. 2017 Feb; 197(2):135-144
- The Dynamo package for tomography and subtomogram averaging: components for MATLAB, GPU computing and EC2 Amazon Web Services Castaño-Díez D. in Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 73 (6).
- Protocols for Subtomogram Averaging of Membrane Proteins in the Dynamo Software Package Navarro PP, Stahlberg H and Castaño-Díez D (2018). Front. Mol. Biosci. 5:82.
- Step-by-step guide to efficient subtomogram averaging of virus-like particles with Dynamo Scaramuzza S, Castaño-Díez D (2021). PLoS biology. 19(8):e3001318.