Multireference alignment

From Dynamo
Revision as of 10:28, 22 April 2016 by Daniel Castaño (talk | contribs)
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In a multireference alignment [MRA] project, each particle will be aligned against R different templates. This allows for

The process of multireference alignment

If you have R references and N particles, each particle will be aligned against all the R references. The particle will produce R different cross-correlation scores and R different sets of alignment pararameters. Thus, Dynamowill produce R different refinement tables, each for one reference channel.

Each particle will have a single reference yielding the maximal cc score. This XXXX


The fact that you can define alignment masks and classification masks separately in a project is specially useful when running MRA projects. Very frequently, you want to use a wide mask that includes enough signal to drive the alignment, and a smaller mask, defined on the region where you expect or want to check for structural heterogeneity.

Input format

Introducing project elements (template, tables) for MRA projects is slightly different than introducing them for single reference projects

Output =