Refined table
The refined table is the result of the alignment iteration. Dynamo produces one refined table per iteration and reference.
It follows the Dynamo convention for tables. In particular, Dynamo should fill some columns in a refined table during alignment:
- columns 3 (marks if the particle was actually used for the average produced at the iteration)
- columns 4-9 (the alignment parameters)
- column 10 10 (the cross correlation coefficient computed for the alignment particle)
- column 34: In multireference projects, the reference number that the particle has been assigned to.
Accessing the refined table
The ddb command provides easy access to the results of the project. Here some examples of syntax
Display the name of the last computed table (by default, from reference 1) ddb myProjet:t -d
Display the name of the tables computed for all iterations at one given reference: ddb myProjet:t:ite=*:ref=2 -d
Read the refined table of iteration 3 into workspace variable myTable ddb myProjet:t:ite=1 -d
Sanity checks with the refined tables
It is useful to check how an alignment is going.
Checking the aligned particles
ddbrowse -p myProject will open ddbrowse onto the data and the last available refined table of project myPoject
Checking the orientations
Use dtplot with the oriented_positions option as profile dtplot