Splits a single table into a cellarray of subtables or a .sel file.
  The splitting criterion is the membership of the particles to different
  groups (references, subreferences, classes, volumes, etc ...), which is expressed
  in a given column of the table.
     table          :   as variable, file or database query
   Parameter / Value
      'column','c'  : scalar value
                      column that contains the criterion that we will use
                      to split the table
                      - default: 35 (subreference)
      'renumber'    : logical, 0/1, on/off
                      if switched on, the generated subtables will be indexed
                      in the cellarray sequentially starting with 1.
                      Otherwise, they will get indexed according to the label
                      attached to each value in the 'column'.
                      This flag affects only the input to the command line
                      - default: false
       'merge'      : cell array. Each element can be a single scalar or a new cell array.
                      This option allows to merge in the same subtable contributions
                      from different labels.
                      For instance: {2,[4,5],7} indicates that the original
                      table will be split into three subtables, where the second
                      one will regroup elemnents of classes (or refs, srefs, etc..)
                      4 and 5
                      - default: [] (no merging)
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Formatting the output
      'min'           : only tables with a minimum number of particles
                        will be saved.
      'selection','s' : states how the table selection manifests
                       in the output table.
                       This option corresponds to the actions of type
                       "selection modus" in "table_restrict"
                       Thus, your options here are also 'crop' and 'mark'
                       - 'crop','v' : only selected tags will appear.
                                      The output table is thus possibly smaller.
                       - 'mark','m' : - selected tags will be marked for
                                      alignment (1 in column 2).
                                       - non selected tags will be marked for
                                        out of alignment (0 in column 2).
                                      The output table is thus of the same
                                      size as the original one.
                        - default: 'crop'
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Even/odd division
   To make an additional division of the subtables into even/odd subpopulations.
    'eo'         :  logical
                    splits each subtable into even/odd subpopulation
                    - default: no
    'eo_relabel' :  logical
                    active only if 'eo' is also active.
                    If active, an 'eo' division will cause the labels
                    of each class to split into two different labels.
                    Label 1 will become 1(even) and 2 (odd)
                    Label 2 will become 3(even) and 4 (odd)
                    and so on.
                    - default: true
    dtsplit example.tbl -c sref -eo -on;
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   Directing the output
       'osel'      char
                   stores the generated tables and creates a .sel file
                   that points to these tables.
       'omulti'    Creates a directory that can be used in a multireference
        dtsplit example.tbl -c sref -omulti mySeeds;
       'ws'        char
                   directs the output to a variable
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        'v'        logical, 0/1
                   - default: true
  subtables = dynamo_table_split(table,varargin);
   dtsplit example.tbl;
   % by default: creates a table for each integer found in column 35 (subreference)
   dtsplit example.tbl -c sref -osel subreferences ;
   % Using the split tables to feed a multireference project
   % In the example we arbitrarily set the name "my_seeds" to the folder
   % and we divide the table by the column that contains the tomogram
   % number. In other words, the
   dtsplit example.tbl -c tomo -omulti my_seeds ;