Creates a Dyamo model by interpreting information expressed in other formats. 
   Input runs completely through flags, detailed below.
     m      :  The created model 
     output :  An output structure summarizing possible errors.
   m = dmimport('random',100); 
   [m,o] = dmimport('xyz',rand(100,3)); 
  Import flags
   'xyz'     :   the user passes a set of x,y,z coordinates in columns
                 as file or workspace variable.
                 Files are expected in .txt extension.
   'table'   :   the users passes a Dynamo table as file or object.
                 This fills the fields 'points' and 'crop_points'
                 in the generated model with the table positions.
                 The field 'crop_angles' will also be filled.
                 TABLE column        MODEL field
                 tags (#1)           .individual_labels
                 class (#22)         .group_labels
   'motl'    :   the users passes an AV3 motl.
   'start'   :   the user passes an star file (as used by jsubtomo)
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Format flags
   'dipoles'   : numeric
                 If a numeric value is passed, the model is converted 
                 into a "dipoleSet" model. Those models are adequate to 
                 represent sets of particles that are defined through a
                 position and an orientation using a set of "dipoles"
                 Each dipole represents an oriented particle through 
                 a three points "center", "north" and "south"
                 The numeric value you pass defines the lengh of the dipole
                 for depiction purposes.
    % using the provided example table:
    m = dynamo_model_import('table','example.tbl','dipoles',20);
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   'o'              : writes the model into a file with this name
                      * Extension .omd will be automatically appended
    dmimport -xyz my_points.txt -o my_model.omd 
   'catalogue','c'  : writes the model into the expressed catalogue
                      If this option is used, you need to use an
                      appropriate identifier for the volume.